Erin Jang of The Indigo Bunting is, hands down, one of my favorite designers. Bonus points – in addition to being crazy talented, Erin is also one of the sweetest people you’ll ever meet in your life. All this to say that I loved seeing photos from Erin’s recent baby shower, which was planned by …
Erin Jang
I love Erin Jang’s design work because it’s always fresh and a little unexpected. These cheerful letterpress wedding invitations were a custom creation for Emily and Dan’s recent wedding and I just love how playful they are. They have a mid-century appeal, a fun smiley face custom envelope liner and showcase a great example of …
I love Erin Jang’s work and her incredible eye for sweet, quirky, modern design. These custom heart-shaped accordion-folded wedding invitations are so indicative of what I love about Erin’s designs. They are fun and playful and completely unique, a perfect complement to the couple’s red and purple color palette which was infused with little heart …
I love reading The Indigo Bunting and checking out all of Erin Jang’s many creative projects and designs. Erin’s work always feels incredibly fresh and inspired to me, completely unique and entirely her own. It’s a touch quirky and always fun, characteristics I rather love. This latest little project is too thoughtful for words, a …