So it turns out I’m woefully behind at keeping up with The Weekly Dozen, something B made sure to point out to me. (He’s good like that, guys, what can I say?) Oops! While undeniably late, I’m still going to finish up, even if it takes me a bit longer than initially anticipated. Because this …
Photography challenge
Um, has anyone noticed how poorly I’m doing at my own self-imposed photography challenge lately? Yeah, yeah. I know. Not that I haven’t been taking loads of photos, that much I have covered. But taking the time to edit and post them apparently has proven an entirely separate challenge. Ah well. Today I’m here to …
It dawned on me late in the week last week that I totally flaked on getting last week’s images from The Weekly Dozen posted. Not cool! I do have to say though, this is why I am loving this little photography challenge! It’s keeping my accountable and keeping my camera close in hand at all …
Hey guys! I’m back with the second edition of The Weekly Dozen. I’ll be honest, this week I dropped the ball a bit. In between shooting for posts (like this one and this one) and a really hectic week in general, wandering around shooting photos didn’t happen very often. Then count in forgetting my camera …
In light of my recent upgrade to my camera gear, I’ve decided to start a new little photography challenge for myself as I get acquainted and really comfortable with my new camera. Anyone up for joining me for the challenge? Say yes, say yes! The challenge, which I am dubbing The Weekly Dozen, is pretty …