I’m not exaggerating even a touch when I say that July 4th is absolutely one of my most favorite days of the year. It’s something about the sunshine, the patriotic swaying of flags and the fireworks. Oh, the fireworks! It’s every bit a magical combination if you ask me. Not surprisingly, my pinning tendencies are …
July 4th
Good morning and happy 4th of July, everyone! I am taking today off to spend some time with family and friends and to enjoy this beautiful day. We’re talking lots of lazy time, some soaking up the sunshine and possibly a frozen treat. And fireworks! There will definitely be fireworks on the schedule. I hope …
I don’t know about you, but with the 4th of July just around the corner I am in full-on summer party mode! I just love great summer parties. In the backyard, at the beach or at a local park, summer entertaining ranks high on my list of loves. With that in mind, I worked with …