My good friend Carolynn of Two Brunettes recently unveiled her 2010 holiday collection, featuring these adorable personalized holiday cards. Needless to say, I’ve been chomping at the bit to share these with you since she originally shared them with me a month or so ago. Each card is illustrated with your likeness and that of your family including spouses, kids and even pets! They are digitally printed and come paired with bright red envelopes perfect for the holiday season. I love a custom holiday card and these are the perfect alternative to the holiday photo card. You know your mom would love to get one of these from you. (Seriously, my mother would die to see her granddogs on one of these cards – too cute!)
{Photos from Two Brunettes.}
lizzie [Ten Thou Bride]
Thursday 4th of November 2010
RIGHT?! I geeked over these on their blog this week as well... .-= lizzie [Ten Thou Bride]'s most recent blog post: Template Thursdays- Get Well Soon =-.