I mentioned yesterday that I have doggies on the brain this week so when I stumbled upon the amazingly fashionable doggie attire of Rover Dog, I knew it was too good to resist sharing with you. If you’re thinking about incorporating your furry kid in your wedding, I love the look of these cute coats, …
Dog wedding attire
I’ve got a few more photos from the incredibly talented Megan Dailor from our photoshoot to share and later today I’ll be sharing a full source list so you can easily recreate the look for yourself. It’s a fresh and pretty look that’s perfect for a wedding, but equally appropriate for a birthday party, a …
Anyone who knows me well knows that I am completely and totally in love with dogs. All of them. In every shape, size and color. My black lab Nina is nearly five and has been with me through a lot including serving as my official wedding planning assistant during which time she made it her …