Bob and I have this little tradition of making what we call “fancy grilled cheese sandwiches” for dinner on Friday nights. Not every Friday night (far from it actually), but for some reason a great grilled cheese sandwich and a bowl of homemade tomato soup is the perfect way to end the week when you’re too tired to want to cook up a more involved meal, but want to attempt something a bit more than delivery. This sandwich is one of our favorite variations! A grilled cheese made with caramelized onions, dill pickle, havarti and munster cheese all on inside-out ciabatta bread. We have a few other favorites that I’ll be sharing soon, too. A grilled cheese-a-palooza! Perhaps the best kind of palooza there ever was, no? (Side note: Give me all the cheese, please and thank you!)
- Ciabatta bread
- Sliced havarti cheese
- Sliced munster cheese
- Thinly sliced dill pickles
- Caramelized onions
- Butter
- Slice a piece of ciabatta bread in half and butter the inside of each piece.
- Layer cheeses, dill pickles and caramelized onions on one of the unbuttered sides.
- Top with the second slice of bread, butter side out.
- Move to a skillet or griddle and heat over medium heat until crispy on one side.
- Flip and repeat until the second side is also golden and crispy. Serve hot with your favorite tomato soup on the side.

[Recipe + art direction by Cyd Converse | Photos by Alice G. Patterson.]
Friday Link Love | VYLETTE
Friday 10th of March 2017
[…] cheese is almost always a good idea; I am thinking about trying this one out this […]