Oh, Paul. The things you do to me. (And my waistline. But we’ll not speak of those.) I’m completely smitten with this sweet and simple cake, the perfect treat to share with someone special. It’s a yummy chocolate cake dusted with powdered sugar using a heart-shaped template cut out of paper. If you don’t have …
Eats + Sweets
Not surprisingly, I have sweets on the brain again. Cupcakes, specifically. I love these cupcake recipes and decorating ideas from Country Living, because you don’t have to be a pastry chef to pull these off. I love cupcakes. Far more than I love cake itself, actually. I think it has to do with how cute …
If you live in Philly (or your heart resides in Philly, one or the other), these City of Brotherly Love soft pretzel bags from Bird & Banner are for you. They’re $10 for 10 bags and they’re also available in bulk quantities – perfect for late night snacks at a wedding reception! I’ve always believed …
In my world, a good homemade granola is as good as comfort food gets. I love making granola to have with Greek yogurt for breakfast or to package up and take along for a hike. I can think of so many excuses to make up a batch of granola to be jarred, labeled and tied …
The sight of this charming pint-size birthday cake, perfect for one, made me smile instantly. I love the idea of taking a moment to celebrate all occasions, large and small, so I love the idea of a party of one, a tiny little cake and the perfect heart-shape candle to top it all off. With …
I bookmarked this recipe for homemade vanilla extract a few months ago, but was jut reminded of it when Joy put together a little recap of her last two years of blogging as Joy the Baker. If you do any baking at all, you probably know how expensive a good quality vanilla extract is, which …
Check out this pinch cake lemon mousse strawberry trifle recipe over on Tartelette. Doesn’t this just look like sunshine and happiness in a pretty cup? I always say that my tolerance of dreary winter days runs out on or around January 15th, so the sight of these perfectly ripe strawberries has me dreaming of berry …
I had to share this glorious image of the world’s most perfect wedding cake, because it has me completely inspired to order something fabulous and set it atop a vintage cake stand in celebration of our six month anniversary next week. (Wow…has it been six months already??) And, of course, Elizabeth Messina can do no …
It has been snowing the last couple of days and there is the prettiest blanket of soft white covering the ground. My dog loves burying her face in the fresh snow when we go out for our morning walk and it never ceases to make me smile. Somehow it makes this week still feel rich …
I’ve been reading 101 Cookbooks, one of my ultimate favorite food blogs, for a couple of years now. This upcoming weekend marks my big official holiday baking weekend and I’ll definitely be adding a few of Heidi’s recipes to my roster of sweets. Among those I’m most excited to try – her sparkling cranberries, Swedish …
I’ve been meaning to write about these cookies for an incredibly long time and, seeing as though I just baked up a batch for my husband to take to school for a department meeting this week, it seems like a good time to share them with you. This is my go-to cookie recipe – it …
As promised, I have baking on the brain again this week so I thought I’d interrupt your Monday afternoon with a little cookie break. Not only do these cookies look positively amazing, but we all know chocolate chip is an old favorite that never goes out of style. I just spied these perfect chocolate chip …