The talented ladies who reside at The Hive at 1511 (Maria and Kelly of Ritzy Bee Events, Suann of Simplesong Design and Kate of Kate Headley Photography) recently announced their fall workshop schedule and I had to be sure you knew all about it in case you’re lucky enough to be in the area. Personally, …
Kate Headley Photography
Good morning, everyone! I’m back after a whirlwind trip to DC and beautiful Old Town Alexandria this weekend for The B-List conference and have so much to share. I’m sure all of us bloggers will be buzzing about our fun-filled weekend throughout the week, but I wanted to take a quick second to share a …
Some things in life are just too cute not to share. This brilliant red, white and blue election-themed birthday party is just one of those things. Created by the truly inspired talent of Maria Cooke from Ritzy Bee Events and Suann Song of Simplesong Design for Suann’s son Ike, this birthday party is unrivaled in …