On the day we first toured our house, nearly two years ago, it was the dining room and its gorgeous wood pocket doors that tipped me up and over the edge from being totally in love to firmly in “must buy this house” territory. At that time the stunning nearly 110 year old wood floors were covered in stained blue carpet and everything was looking a little dull. Fast forward through our initial dining room renovation to today when our dining room is now everything I knew it could be back on that cold February day, and this room is easily my very favorite room in the house. Today I’m partnering with the maker of Orange Glo™ cleaning products to share the details on how I pulled together all the finishing touches as well as how I decked the halls of our dining room for the many upcoming holiday parties we’re hosting. This is the space where we come together with friends and family quite often, and it feels so magical to walk into the room now and see it aglow with warmth and coziness.