I’m pretty sure a lot of us could talk about weddings all day long. At least, I know I could. (Ok, and admittedly, I often do.) But at the end of the day, the big party is really all about the marriage. I’m going to come right out and admit that I’m one of the biggest advocates of same sex marriage that you’re likely ever to meet in your life. No exaggeration. I’ll spare you the long-winded passionate speech (at least for today), but suffice it to say, I was thrilled to see that Martha Stewart Weddings featured a gay wedding, the beautiful union of Jeremy and Andrew, in the most recent issue. Bravo, Martha, bravo. (It was about time, wasn’t it?) With Prop 8 currently under fire in federal court, it seemed like a fitting time to announce that my fingers are crossed that justice prevails this time around. While I’m crossing my fingers, I’m also staying glued to Two Chicks Nest, where the incomparably well spoken N is updating regularly with trial news and testimony excerpts that have me glued to my computer screen waiting for more. If you care about this cause, you should be paying attention and getting involved, too. I hope you will.
{Photos via Martha Stewart Weddings.}
Friday 15th of January 2010
@ Maggie - We included a similar phrase in our wedding programs. It was really important to me to recognize our support of same sex marriage, especially given the fact that two of our groomsmen and my bridesman are all gay and all as close to me as family. They are my brothers in every sense of the word aside from DNA.
@ Brooke - Agreed! I hope someday we look back on this as just as odd as life before the internet. Not to trivialize this issue, but I really do hope to see the day when a world that largely supports marriage discrimination is unfathomable.
@ Kelly - I'm right there with you...I hope this helps same sex marriage to become more publicly acceptable and not something sensational.
@ Beth - I couldn't say it better. Thank you.
@ Jeremy - Thank you SO much for your comment! Your wedding was absolutely beautiful and I'm so happy you were able to share it with the world. Best wishes to you and Andrew!
@ Courtney - Check it out! N is incredibly well-versed on this issue as she and her wife are ex-pats living in Canada where they, happily, are not denied marriage equality. She's an incredible resource.
Friday 15th of January 2010
Agreed, cheers to Martha! And thanks for that blog link, looks like a great resource. .-= Courtney's most recent blog post: Secrets of Staying Happily Married =-.
Jeremy Hooper
Friday 15th of January 2010
Thanks for the support, from one half of the couple featured in the magazine.
-Jeremy Hooper .-= Jeremy Hooper's most recent blog post: Video: Kathie Lee on the final hour (Today's and America's?) =-.
Thursday 14th of January 2010
True love should always be celebrated.
Kelly Cummings
Wednesday 13th of January 2010
I hate that it's even an issue. For whatever reason, I feel like Martha publishing a gay wedding will make great strides in public perception and accepting. Or at least I hope so. .-= Kelly Cummings's most recent blog post: New Year's Resolutions(ish) =-.