I know I’m not the only one who finds everything Sunday Suppers does endlessly inspiring. I have been rather impatiently waiting for over a year now for my New York City travel schedule to coincide with a class and I have fingers crossed it happens soon. (Honestly, for as often as I’m in New York, it has to work out sometime, right?) In the meantime, I am loving this recent pizza party class they offered. This is not your elementary school pizza party! This is sophisticated, casual elegance at its best and utter perfection for a rehearsal dinner or a small, intimate wedding celebration.
{Photos from Sunday Suppers.}
Friday 24th of September 2010
Wow! That is the prettiest pizza party I've ever seen... such beautiful inspiration! .-= Terri's most recent blog post: Im Smitten =-.
perfect bound
Friday 24th of September 2010
If ever there was a reason to come back to NYC, this is it. Miss you Cyd and hope to see you here soon!!