A few miles down the road from where my grandfather lived when I was a kid, there was a u-pick farm with a big strawberry patch where he’d take me every summer. The farm has since closed, but not before I was able to take Em there when she was just six or seven months old to pick berries and gleefully smash them all over her face. Strawberry season has always held a special kind of magic for me and I’m sure that farm is partially why. While it’s not quite strawberry season yet for us (this far north it tends to be mid to late June), I know it is in many parts of the country so I thought we should make strawberry pies! Mini pies in a muffin tin, because tiny things are adorable and because, duh. Who doesn’t want their own little pie?!
With berry season just around the corner (or in full swing depending on where you live) and Cinco de Mayo coming up in just a couple of days, it only seemed appropriate to share this incredible fresh strawberry margarita recipe today! Make no mistake though, this is not your average strawberry margarita. This one is …
Mark this down as your new favorite way to make the most of strawberry season! Or, at least, it’s my new favorite way. While we were in Florida a few weeks ago, my sister and I got an itch and decided we had no choice but to perfect the ultimate strawberry mojito recipe. We went off …