Happy Saturday, friends! I’m making a rare weekend appearance because I’ve been rather under the weather the last few days and spent most of yesterday snuggled up in bed and intermittently drinking Theraflu. However, I didn’t want to leave you hanging on Friday link love so I thought I’d pop in this morning to share my favorites from the week. We’re traveling home to spend time on the lake with family this weekend, soaking up every last minute of summer. We’re also going to visit a little Golden Retriever pup who sounds like she needs a good home and might consider adding to our family to be that home for her – we’ll see how Nina (our five year old Black Labrador and the love of our life) takes to her. I’ll keep you posted on the puppy front! In the meantime, have a fabulous weekend!
Super cute kid rooms via Ink + Wit.
I want to wear sparkly stars in my hair.
In l.o.v.e. with these invitations.
An adorable paper airplane save the date how-to.
Loving this studio tour.
Mark Twain would be proud.
Congratulations to Rachelle on her beautiful Princess Piper!
My husband and I are considering becoming foster parents = my latest blog obsession.
{Photo by Amanda Dias.}
The WV Girls
Tuesday 31st of August 2010
Thank you so much Cyd for the link love!! xoxo .-= The WV Girls's most recent blog post: Dream Room Inspired =-.
Monday 30th of August 2010
What a cutie! I hope Nina liked her :)
Monday 30th of August 2010
No decision on the puppy yet! We wanted to sleep on it for a few days and will make a decision by the weekend. She was adorable though and if we decide we want to add a second dog to the family, she's definitely the one we want!
Monday 30th of August 2010
Well ... did you decide to get the puppy? :)
Monday 30th of August 2010
I absolutely adore Golden puppies! This photo makes me smile :) .-= Emily's most recent blog post: Chilaquiles and Poached Eggs =-.
Sunday 29th of August 2010
Never hesitate to add a Golden to your life! My husband and I are the proud parents of 2 and foster as well and they are the joys of our life. Hope that you feel better. A few puppy kisses usually helps/