Throughout October I’m going to be taking some time off and have invited a handful of my favorite bloggers to join us. Today we’re welcoming Alli of Hooray, a blog I personally adore. Alli is a designer, stylist and lover of parties, and I am so honored to have her here. Be sure to check out her beautiful shop, too!
Hey there, I’m Alli, and I’m so happy to be filling in for Cyd today! My sister in-law is expecting her first baby (a boy) this fall, and all of the sisters are throwing her a shower. For those of us who read too many blogs (my hand is raised), a party featuring tissue poms and mustache toppers is nothing new, but that is exactly what she wanted. And luckily, since the guest list is over 100 (!), it has made planning this “little gentleman” party easy: cupcakes topped with mustaches on a stick at each table, simple tissue poms, and a set of notecards & envelopes that each guest will sign with their address (to make her thank-you note writing easier). I’m thrilled to help celebrate this little boy – very soon!
1. Mustache toppers. 2. Tissue poms. 3. Cupcakes. 4. Wooden animals. 5. Card sets.