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Gratitude Week: Chelsea of Frolic

I hope you guys are loving this little Gratitude Week mini-series as much as I am! I love seeing what other women I admire are grateful for in their lives. Today we’re continuing with the lovely Chelsea Fuss of Frolic, who’s sharing a few things that she’s grateful for this holiday season. (For more love, don’t miss yesterday’s post from Camille of Camille Styles and Monday’s post from Jordan of Oh Happy Day!) I’d also love to hear what you’re grateful for, too, so please chime in! And with that, here’s Chelsea…

Family. Family is my favorite thing. I come from a big family that’s super close, we annoy each other often, our gatherings center around way too much food and a little too much gossip but I can’t live without any of them.

Gratitude Week with Chelsea Fuss on The Sweetest Occasion

Home. My home is pink and flowery, breaks all the decorating rules, is totally imperfect and rarely clean. When I was a kid, I dreamed of having my own girly apartment and now I do. Most of all though, I am thankful for a full fridge, a heater and a roof over my head.

Gratitude Week with Chelsea Fuss on The Sweetest Occasion

{Photo on right by Linnea Paulina.}

Work. In college, a professor asked me what I wanted to do when I graduated. I said, “I am not exactly sure but I know I want to help make beautiful things.” Despite the long hours, and a bumpy journey to get here, I am so thankful I have a job that allows me to create, be myself and to be part of such an encouraging, positive community.

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