You may remember these DIY ombré stripe favor bags that the lovely Maxine of Tulle Box Designs shared with us earlier this year. Today I’m excited that she’s back with another awesome favor idea – the cutest cow print cookie favor boxes. Thanks for sharing, Maxine!
I love cookies – a lot. But I can’t remember the last time I dunked them in milk, which really is a ton of fun, not to mention delicious. So, the next time you have friends over, set out a few glasses of milk along with a plate of cookies, and let the nostalgia begin. Have extra cookies? Package them in these DIY cow inspired boxes as a little reminder to do a little dunking when at home. Oh, and if it “needs more cowbell”, you’ll find these cute little liberty bells in the kids section of the craft store. Enjoy!
Supplies –
- White bakery boxes
- Cardstock
- Ribbon
- Mini bells
- Scissors
- Glue stick
Begin by using your scissors to cut out cow spots from a piece of black cardstock. There’s no need to be perfect! You’ll want enough to cover the sides and tops of each favor box.
Using a glue stick, attach the spots to your boxes, applying pressure to make sure they adhere completely. Then set them aside to dry.
Load up your boxes with cookies and then tie with a bit of ribbon. Attach your little cowbells before tying the ribbon and voila! You’re all set and your friends will be mighty happy and content to be taking home a sweet little treat.
[Photos by Tulle Box Designs for The Sweetest Occasion.]
The fine print: Please link with love! As with all of our posts, DIY projects featured on The Sweetest Occasion may not be copied, distributed or reproduced without express written permission. Love and links are always appreciated! If you’d like to share this post, please link to this post directly for the DIY tutorial and do not include the instructions in your own post. Thanks so much! xoxo
Lily Stejskal
Tuesday 24th of June 2014
This craft is adorable!